SOURCE: University of Arizona Health Sciences, news release, Oct. 2, 2023
Protect Yourself From Wildfire Smoke Exposure. Stay inside and try to keep indoor air clean.
Giving Cough Medicine to a Child. Continue.
Ease In-Flight Ear Pain. Keep kids comfortable while flying.
Reduce the Risk of Canker Sores. Avoid acidic foods.
Avoid the Flu During Travel. Suggestions to remain healthy.
Antibiotics Probably Won't Ease Your Cough, Even If Infection is Bacterial: Study
How To Fight Common Wintertime Respiratory Viruses
Saltwater Drops in Nose Could Shorten Kids' Colds
Is It a Cold, Flu or COVID? An Expert Helps You Sort It Out
Can Zinc Really Shorten a Cold?
ERs Might Be Good Spots to Offer Flu Shots
This Season's Flu Vaccine Cuts Risk of Hospitalization by Almost 35%
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